Archive for the ‘Samsung’ Category

Samsung Omnia gets WinMo 6.5 unofficially

May 4, 2009

Omnia owners can now enjoy Microsoft’s shiny new Windows Mobile 6.5 thanks to WoZZeR over at He has successfully cooked up the first Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM for Verizon’s very own Samsung Omnia i910. However it does come with a catch, the custom ROM has removed many of the Omnia i910’s currently bundled applications including VZ Navigator, VZ AppZone, Digital Frame, Shozu, Silver Inbox and more. Ofcourse in the up side of things, it does add Google Maps, the Official Youtube player, and the WM 6.5 Facebook App. If this ROM sound right for you then head over here to get your WinMo 6.5 on.


Alias 2 pricing revealed!

May 3, 2009

BGR just got some juicy new pricing details for the highly anticipated Samsung Alias 2. The phone is now expected to launch at $79.99 (after mail-in rebate) on a 2 year agreement. Those of you looking to only sign a 1 year contract wil get it for $149.99 (after mail-in rebate). For those of you afraid of commitment the Samsung Alias 2 is available for $250 with no stings attached (retail cost).


Samsung Alias 2 launches May 11th

May 1, 2009

News has recently surfaced around the blogsphere that the Samsung Alias 2 is finally set to launch on May 11th. The phone’s main feature is a unique 2-way Flip Factor with a Keypad that changes from a traditional keypad to QWERTY usimg a unique technology that Samsung is calling a “Magic Keypad” which utilizes E-Ink Technology.


Free Samsung Alias Promotion

April 28, 2009

Verizon Wireless just launched a 3-Day promotion for the Samsung Alias on its website. The phone is currently available for “FREE” on a 2 year contract. The sale ends on the April 30th so be sure to get one before the price goes back up. The promotion is only available online at but they are offering free overnight delivery of online orders so you will get it quick.


Samsung Smooth launches on Verizon Wireless

April 25, 2009

The Samsung U350 a.k.a. Smooth is taking the place of the ultra low-end Sammy U340. It’s available fot the next to nothing price of $29.99. The device features a VGA camera, Bluetooth, 1X data, speakerphone, and VZ Navigator. As low-end as the U350 may be, it is still an improvement over the U340.

[Source] reviews the Samsung Saga

April 21, 2009

They had nothing but great things to say about the new Samsung smartphone! Here is what they had to say…

Gadgetell Review: Going Gaga over the Saga

Ladies and gentleman allow me to introduce you to what I believe to be the most efficient and effective smart phone for both Verizon and the WinMo community. A veritable hybrid of “touch” and well…touch. So what do I mean? The Samsung Saga is like getting three presents in one. You have the ever so popular touch screen element, the stylish and comfortable QWERTY keyboard, not to mention the backing of multiple programs for your Windows Mobile phone.

Love at first touch
It seems Samsung is really listening to WinMo users or maybe it is only my prayers that have been answered. I was obsessing over the release of the Samsung Omnia for the longest time; in fact, I am willing to bet that I may be the first person to get their hands on it. At first it was love at first “touch” now it’s like a relationship on its way out the door; the thought of touching and holding my Omnia gives me a headache. I wanted a two-way commitment from my phone. I wanted to touch and also feel. I am, of course, referring to the Saga’s QWERTY keyboard. Like a breath of fresh air, it swept me off my fingers and gave me that “push my buttons” feel that I didn’t realize I missed so much.

Overlooked, but great, features
Those of us who rely on mobile communication on a moment-to-moment basis will love this device. Allow me to provide you with what I feel are the greatest features that may be overlooked. The shortcut buttons are designed to help you quickly access your media player and messaging capabilities. No need for navigating through what many WinMo owners find to be an endless maze of programs and functions just to reach your destination. While at no fault to the Saga, WinMo 6.1 and onto the future really could learn a thing or two about simple UI (user interface).

Speaking of easy access other elements that are spot on, there is the mouse/navigation combo. Instead of having to go into your personal options to alternate from your desired function, just push the lock button under the volume keys and instantly your navimouse will switch modes. I find this not only helpful but another reminder of how Samsung must have taken user feedback and put it to good use. The Saga is also equipped with a Windows button, extra soft keys, and an “OK” button. All are exceptional navigation tools and make this mobile masterpiece far superior to others I have used in the past.

The downsides
I mentioned so many great things you are probably wondering what I don’t like. Well, while the list is not so long, there are a few things worth mentioning. First and most importantly is the battery life. While most powerful phones don’t have great battery life, I do wish this were a little stronger. I can spend 2 hours on the train using the internet, twitter applications, and email only to see my battery reduce down 40 percent. I know I’m doing a ton of things at once but I like to work my tech toys hard.

The headphone jack, unfortunately not your standard size which gets me thinking; if they decided to create an input for headphones why not just make it standard? Samsung, you truly are an enigma. Next is aesthetics; this isn’t the most attractive phone. Definitely not the prom queen—more like the quiet quirky girl in the back of the class, she wouldn’t make you do a double take, but get to know her and you will be pleasantly surprised.

The in-betweens
Both the speakerphone and camera are what you might expect, no better or worse than others before it. The one fun thing about the camera is how easily it integrates into my pockettweet program. I can take a photo of where I am and instantly post it. I think that it is not only fun, it removes any headaches when I’m twitting about the guy passed out on the train next to me…shh.

Quite capable
So as many of you may have noticed my review is meant for the man or woman who really wants to know what this phone is like and what they are missing by not enjoying it. Sure, I could tell you how exciting it is that you can pick up wireless and connect via Bluetooth with ease or how mobile browsing via Opera 9.1 is just as easy to look at as it is to navigate. Would this make you any more excited? You think about that. Oh yeah, this whole review was written on my Saga and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Samsung Alias 2 headed to VZW soon?

April 15, 2009

The launch of the Samsung Alias 2 seems to be getting closer and closer as more and for info leaks out! The phone will feature a dynamic keypad that switches to QWERTY when flipped in landscape mode. Along with the dynamic keypad you can expect to find dual speaker, camera w/video, and visual voicemail, along with the usual stuff. We expect this device to launch with a low price tag very soon.


Samsung Trance to hit Verizon on April 24th

April 13, 2009

VZW looks to be launching the Samsung Trance U490 on April 24th. The phone seems to be intended to replace the Juke. Here is what you need to know…

•2.1″ screen (176 x 220 resolution)
•CDMA 1X 800/1900mHz Digital Only
•1.3 MP camera
•1GB built-in memory for music (16GB MicroSD)
•3.5mm headphone jack
•Mobile web, email, VZ Navigator, Chaperone Parent and chat capable
•V CAST music with Rhapsody support
•Music player for MP3, WMA and unprotected AAC & AAC+ formats
•One touch access to music
•Create and playlists, and listen to music in background
•Sync music from PC to phone (OTA downloads not supported)
•Text, picture, and voice messages in thread views
•Alarm clock, world clock, calculator with converter, stop watch

The phone will cost you only $50 after rebate so all you music loving peeps out there mark your calendars!
